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Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Super Bowl

7 I saw among the simple,
I noticed among the young men,
a youth who lacked judgment.

8 He was going down the street near her corner,
walking along in the direction of her house …

24 Now then, my sons, listen to me;
pay attention to what I say … (Proverbs 7:7-8, 24)

Do not love the world or the things that belong to the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him. Because everything that belongs to the world— 16 the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride in one's lifestyle—is not from the Father, but is from the world. 17 And the world with its lust is passing away, but the one who does God's will remains forever (1 John 2:15-17).

Proverbs 7 shows a parent looking out his window at the world around him. This father used the view from his window to instruct his son about the dangers of life. The window of your television affords you the same opportunity to see and evaluate the world. The Super Bowl is a good example, in both the game and the commercials. The commercials cost approximately 3 million dollars for a 30 second spot (and that does not include the production costs). The companies who sponsor these commercials believe that they will appeal to what motivates Americans.

I John 2 carries a strong warning: do not love the world. The enemy of your soul is doing his best to make the world attractive to you and your children. He wants you to love the world! You can learn a great deal about the motivations of our culture by observing the commercials in this game thoughtfully. Analyze them. Then, like the wise father in Proverbs 7, give this analysis to your children.

How do you react to the Super Bowl? What does that reveal about your priorities? Will you be overly discouraged and disappointed if your team loses? Or, if your team wins will you experience a joy that appears only at moments like that? How does your enthusiasm for a sports victory compare to your response when Bill preached on what heaven will be like? If you have children, what are you teaching them by your responses?

If you don’t even watch the Super Bowl, that’s fine. But is there something else that captures your interest in the same way the Super Bowl does for many? If there is, then evaluate your priorities relative to that activity.

What are examples of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride in one's lifestyle?

Can you enjoy the Super Bowl without “loving the world or the things that belong to the world?”

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