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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Digging Deeper

This week, in addition to a Bible dictionary or systematic theology text, what about obtaining a good commentary from the bookstore while studying (not merely reading) some book of the Bible? Or, you could buy a commentary that follows the passages the pastor is preaching about.

Discuss . . .

1. What a commentary is and what it does for you.

2. How to know if it can be trusted throughout.

3. Which ones it might be best to obtain first.

4. How you should use it.

Establishing habits—such as regular Bible study—takes a daily commitment. Don’t give up, and don’t forget to encourage one another. Remind yourself how important this is:

Proverbs 3:15 “[Wisdom] is more precious than rubies;
nothing you desire can compare with her.”

Psalm 119:72 The law from your mouth is more precious to me
than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must admit that the thought of studying Commentaries, and Systematic Theologies, and memorizing Bible Dictionaries (Ok, I added the memorizing part!), all seem to overwhelm me. I am not arguing their value, just simply giving my layman opinion of them. What is a constant comfort though, is that Proverbs tells me that I must "look for it" and "search for it". If I do so, the Lord will give me wisdom! I don't intend to trivialize my responsibility (look as for silver, search as for hidden treasure) as the passage implies that we do so with a seriousness and tenacity. The comfort to me though, is that the pressure is off! I don't have to have a theology degree to have wisdom! The formula is given to me in Proverbs 2. I pray that we as Redeemer men will do just what Proverbs says and "go get our wisdom!"