Rev. Viars outlines four ways to view this part of our past through the lens of Scripture, and deal with specific events in a manner that puts them in their proper place and honors God:
1. Face it honestly--rather than ignoring the event or isolating ourselves, we should cry out to God and let other Christians help bear our burdens.
2. Face it biblically--how we understand God as he has revealed himself in his word, and how we understand our relationship to him is of utmost importance when dealing with the hurts of our past. As we genuinely acknowledge the sufferings of our past, God's word will properly frame our experience and enable us to suffer well.
3. Face it hopefully--we need not despair in the midst of our suffering. We serve a God who works all things together for good, who is for us, and who has justified us through Christ. In Romans 8:39 we are told that nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. "Nothing in all creation" is pretty comprehensive; surely it includes our sufferings.
4. Face it missionally--God's purpose in our past is not to provide us with material for extended periods of personal introspection; rather, he is equipping us to be able to reach out and comfort others who are suffering with the truths of Scripture. We are to be part of the body of Christ, rejoicing with those who rejoice, and weeping with those who weep.
Keeping these points in mind, let us think of how we can begin reaching into bucket one as we rely on God's word to guide us, and as we allow our sufferings to bring us closer to God and to prepare to serve others.
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