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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chapter 4 - You Can Learn to Put the Past in Its Place

In this week's chapter, we read that categorization of the events of our past can help us view them in a way that better enables us to apply Scripture to our lives.

Category ("Bucket") 1: An event occurred; you were innocent and responded well to the situation.

Category ("Bucket") 2: An event occurred; you were innocent but responded poorly to the situation.

Category ("Bucket") 3: An event occurred; you were guilty but responded well to the situation.

Category ("Bucket") 4: An event occurred; you were guilty and responded poorly to the situation.

There are likely various events in our lives where we can identify with each one of these categories. Think through your past and begin to identify events that you could place into each of these. As we progress through our study, we will unpack each of these "buckets" in order to further understand how we can use this categorization to put our past in its place, and respond to the events of our past in light of God's word.

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