Men, when you became Christians, you became the sons of God. As sons of God, the Holy Spirit granted you the spiritual capacity to develop the character and likeness of your Heavenly Father. The old saying, “Like father, like son” is a fitting expression of your relationship with the Father and ought to be something that you pursue.
Peacemaking is the particular fatherly quality that Jesus mentions here. God the Father is a peacemaker. The Scriptures teach that your Heavenly Father is the “God of peace” (I Thessalonians 5:23). This peacemaking quality of your Father in Heaven was clearly demonstrated when “He made peace through the blood of His (Christ’s) cross” (Col. 1:20).
Since the Father is a peacemaker and you are His son, you ought to be a peacemaker too. Men, your leadership in this area of peacemaking is needed at home, work, and at church. Conflicts, fights, division, and broken relationships are far too common. Can you think of a situation or relationship right now where help is needed to bring peace? (If not, the day is sure to come soon). Are you providing leadership to bring peace? Or are you part of the problem—are you adding to the fighting and conflict?
There is so much that can be said about how to be a peacemaker; just look at some of the passages that speak of it: Romans 12:14-21; Ephesians 2:11-22, 4:1-32; Phil. 2:1-18, and Colossians 3:12-17. For our purposes though, just think about how the other beatitudes that we have already looked at could help you in your peacemaking efforts (poor in spirit, mourning (over sin), meekness, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, merciful, and pure in heart). You might flesh out some of these in your men’s meeting this week. Which qualities do you need most to practice to provide leadership as a peacemaker?
Christ ends by saying that you are blessed if you a peacemaker. Why? Because you will be recognized as a son of God at the judgment. The heavenly Father will look at you and see the reflection of His wonderful peacemaking character in you, which is the evidence of a genuine faith. In response, you will hear Him say something like, “welcome home, son”! That is something to look forward to and that ought to spur you on to being a peacemaker.